Radeon HD 6990, also known under the code name Antilles for several months already aroused the interest of Gamers. It is currently the most powerful and fastest dual-GPU graphics card available in Markets.
Radeon HD 6990 is based on two cores of Cayman graphics chips, clocked at 830 MHz. Both GPUs together offer a theoretical performance of 5.1 trillion floating point operations per second (TFLOPS) in simple or 1.27 TFLOPS at double precision.
Radeon HD 6990 Specs

Radeon HD 6990 Specs and Features

On board there are also 4 GB of GDDR5 VRAM type that works with up to 5000 MHz clock, which in conjunction with 256-bit memory interface provides a throughput of up to 320 GB / Impressive right? In addition, Radeon HD 6990 supports other familiar from earlier papers HD 6000 series technology, including AMD Eyefinity, EyeSpeed or HD3D.
Unfortunately, the vast power also implies huge demand for electricity. Let’s face it, but if you wish to purchase a Radeon HD 6990, then first make sure that your power supply is capable of producing at least 750W power. For configurations with two accelerators AMD recommends use AC power until 1200 W.
Radeon HD 6990 “pulls” about 300 watts (requires the installation of two 8-pin plugs, which are able to supply over 150 watts). Perhaps you also interested in price of the new Radeon. Well, you need 699$ in your pocket to buy a new card from AMD.
According to AMD, graphics card is on average 67 percent faster than Nvidia’s single-GPU card GeForce GTX 580. Next week (on March 14th), NVidia will attack AMD with GeForce GTX 590 accelerator and let’s see what matters- Price or Performance?