Adobe Flash needs no introduction. After the introduction of Android 3.0 Honeycomb, Adobe released Flash v10.2 an update to support this awesome Android Tablet OS which leaked ad available for download.
Download Flash APK from here
Flash 10.2 includes support for Android 3.0 Tablets. It also brings enhanced performance for multi-core smartphones like the Atrix 4G and the LG Optimus 2X, as well as automatic soft keyboard support and deeper integration with the Android browser rendering engine.
I tried it on Samsung Galaxy S and tested it on miniclip and Youtube where it seemed to be work fine.
Flash 10.2 APK Android Download

How to Install Flash 10.2 on Motorola Xoom

  1. Save the Flash 10.2 APK on SD card root.
  2. Using Astro File manager, follow the instructions to install that APK.
  3. Reboot Device after installation